Monday, July 27, 2020

Sublease Risks & Sublease Rewards in 2020

Sublease Rewards & Sublease Risks in 2020

sublease rewards and risks

About Sublease Rewards & Sublease Risks in 2020: The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the New York City office market is now being revealed. In our recent blog NYC Office Rental Report July 2020, Cogent Realty predicted that “Sublease office space availability will increase and be offered at a discount”. In recent weeks the volume of Subleases has indeed surged. Anecdotal evidence points to many of these Subleases originating in the TAMI (technology, advertising, media and internet) sector that had already been utilizing remote working. Additionally, some financial firms have listed their offices for Sublease after decentralizing operations and renting spaces in suburban areas. Surprisingly, a number of law firms have determined that their NYC office is superfluous because discussions with a client can be accomplished online with apps like  Zoom. Critical “in person” meetings are occurring in private offices and conference rooms that are rented by the hour.



Office owners brace for competition – from their tenants


A Sublease can offer both rewards and risks to a Sub-Tenant (the company that leases and occupies the Subleased space). Subleases are offered by Sub-landlords (the holder of the master lease) to dispose of their surplus office space and mitigate financial obligations. This brief introduction is written for a Sub-tenant.


sublease rewards and risks1. Rent is usually below the current market value.

2. Term length is often shorter than that which would be required by the building owner on a direct lease basis.

3. Office space is usually delivered pre-built and cosmetically finished. This eliminates the necessity of large capital outlays to renovate the space.

4. Potential inclusion of furniture, phones, network cabling, etc. This yields substantial savings.

5. Potential “turn key” move-in condition saves valuable time.






1. As a Sub-tenant your lease contract is between you and the Sub-landlord. If the Sub-landlord defaults on its obligation to pay the rent to the building owner, a Sublease will usually terminate and the Sub-tenant is evicted.

2. As a Sub-tenant your Security Deposit is held by the Sub-landlord. In the event of financial difficulties or a default by the Sub-landlord, the Security Deposit can be lost.

Basic Strategies for Reducing Sublease Risks

1. Perform due diligence on the financial condition of the Sub-landlord and the outlook for its future business.

2. Your real estate attorney should have language added to the Landlord’s Consent (this is the document by which the Landlord gives its approval of the Sublease) that requires that the Sub-Tenant is notified of any default by the Sub-landlord and provided with an opportunity to cure (correct) the default.

3, Where a substantial risk is perceived, your real estate attorney should have language added to Sublease document that requires that your Security Deposit is held in escrow.


About Cogent Realty Advisors

Cogent Realty Advisors is an independent and licensed no fee Realtor with 20 years of experience representing businesses that lease NYC office space. Whether your business is looking for a Direct Lease from a Landlord or a discounted Sublease, our knowledge and experience will protect your interests and yield positive results. For information contact Mitch Waldman at (212) 509-4049.




The post Sublease Risks & Sublease Rewards in 2020 appeared first on Rent NY Office.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

NYC Office Rental Report July 2020

New York City Office Rental Report July 2020

NYC Office RentalNew York City Office Rental Report July 2020 is presented by Cogent Realty Advisors, Inc. Cogent Realty Advisors is a licensed and independent no fee Realtor with 20 years of experience representing businesses that lease NYC office space. Our goal is to find you the right office at the right price.

For information phone (212) 509-4049.






The Covid 19 health crisis is having a profound effect the economy of New York City. The long term impact on the office rental market remains unknown. Our common-sense predictions follow:

♦ The pandemic will result in a more favorable office market for Tenants that execute new leases and renewal leases.

♦ In the coming months the NYC office market “at large” will offer:

(1) Increased space availability;

(2) Modest reductions in asking rents and negotiated contract rents;

(3) Increased Landlord incentives for new leases and renewal leases.  These may include free rent and cash contributions for the renovation of an office.

(4) Increased flexibility in lease terms, especially duration.

♦ The magnitude of the changes in the office market will be contingent upon the duration and severity of the pandemic.

♦ Sublease office space availability will increase and be offered at a discount. Link here for information about Sublease Rewards and Sublease Risks.

♦ Other significant factors influencing the overall NYC office market include:

(1) The success/efficiency of corporate directed full- and part-time work from home strategy;

(2) Whether the reduction in office headcounts that are needed to meet social distancing requirements will result in the leasing of additional office space square footage;

(3) Whether decentralizing office occupancy by relocating employees to suburban locations gains traction; and

(4) Will co-working operators that occupy million’s of square feet of  NYC office space terminate certain leases and increase the quantity of vacant space on the market.


NYC Office Rental Data

CoStar, the world leader in commercial real estate information reports the following New York City (Manhattan only) office market indicators on July 13, 2020:


NYC Office Rental

NYC Office Rental

In the News

Uncertainty Plagues New York City’s Office Market in the Second Quarter. Costar July 14, 2020

Manhattan office leasing lowest since Great Recession. Crain’s July 1, 2020

Remote Work Is Here to Stay, But Office Footprints Likely Won’t Shrink. June 29, 2020

About Cogent Realty Advisors, Inc.

Cogent Realty Advisors is an independent and licensed no fee Realtor with 20 years of experience representing businesses that lease NYC office space. We offer solutions for office Tenants seeking stability and value in uncertain times. For information phone Mitchell Waldman at (212) 509-4049.



The post NYC Office Rental Report July 2020 appeared first on Rent NY Office.